music I discovered today: Public Service Broadcasting

  • Jan
  • 0
There is a definite buzz building around this band at the moment, and the other day I had to write 50 words for an 'established weekly music publication' about them. Well, as you may be noticing by now, 50 words ain't my style so I'll embellish it a little bit here. They are about to release a new single 'ROYGBIV', due on March 4th. It's named after all the colours of the rainbow and it skilfully manages to combine melodic electronica with some very poetic audio clips from the middle of last century which praise the birth of colour television. Phrases like "The vivid pulsating miracle that gives substance to shadow" and so on... Despite this huge dollop of retro footage, PSB still sound very much like they belong in 2012.
The lovely video is below

Public Service Broadcasting began as the solo project of one J. Willgoose, Esq, which saw him using guitar, keyboards, banjo, samples and footage from public information films for what was essentially a one man show. The live set up nowadays includes drummer Wrigglesworth and, in order to give those old films pride of place, an old television is centre stage. This video, for the unreleased song Signal 30, captures their live set really well.

PSB Live from Owain Rich on Vimeo.

The duo are currently playing quite a few gigs, mostly around London, and you can find a list here. They are fresh from a well received support slot with Plaid and Hexstatic in Koko a few weeks ago, and this Saturday they appear at Nights at the Market in Tooting as part of a three-band bill.

Previously in this series
Django Django
Patrick Kelleher and His Cold Dead Hands
Idiot Glee

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