Review: Imbogodom (via the 405)

  • Jan
  • 0
I couldn't do a post-a-day in January without sharing some of the material I've written for other people. The site that got me back into music writing was The 405 and I'm continuing to enjoy writing for them. So today, my post for the day is simply a link through to my review of the new Imbogodom album on the 405.
For those of you who don't know the name, Imbogodom is the collaborative project between Alexander Tucker and Daniel Beban. Also, for those of you who don't me, I should say that Dan and myself have worked together in our 'proper' jobs and some of this album was recorded in my workplace - I've seen the physical piece of tape they made some of the loops on! I think I've kept my distance with this review, I hope I have anyway. Have a read and find out.

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