The National to curate ATP's Nightmare Before Christmas 2012

  • Jan
  • 0

***UPDATED INFO - here - in brief, this is now at Camber Sands and is no longer the sole December ATP event***

Whilst some of us are still waiting to go to last December's Jeff Mangum curated event, the finest festival promoters in the land have announced plans for this year's Nightmare Before Christmas. The event will run between December 7th-9th, 2012 at Butlin's in Minehead and will be curated by the National. This will also be the National's only UK performance in 2012, therefore almost guaranteeing a sell-out. Tickets are on sale from Friday 20th January at 2pm.
I'm pretty excited about ATP announcements in general and I've definitely got a buzz out of this one too, despite hearing a pretty strong rumour about it last Friday. I see there are a few grumbles from regulars already on various threads but I reckon the National will put together a good ATP. The line up so far is
The National
Kronos Quartet
The Antlers
Owen Pallett
Tim Hecker
Sharon Van Etten
My Brightest Diamond
Wye Oak
Lower Dens
Dark Dark Dark
Buke and Gase
with many more to be added. Also, after the panic surrounding the Mangum event being rescheduled I reckon ATP needed to nail someone with a huge fanbase who could shift tickets quickly. So enough of the moaning folks, you wouldn't want ATP to go under now, would we?

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