• Jan
  • 0
An excuse to buy a print magazine
Over the last two years I've almost completely stopped buying printed magazines and newspapers. In 2011 I bought one copy of the Wire, mainly because it had a new Wire Tapper CD included. Now, in the first week of 2012, I have an excuse to buy Mojo, as they have included a tribute to New Order's classic album Power, Corruption and Lies as a cover mounted CD in the new issue. Amongst the acts involved are Errors (who cover 'The Village'), Tarwater ('We All Stand'), S.C.U.M ('586'), Walls ('Ecstasy'), Fujiya & Miyagi ('Your Silent Face'), whilst Biosphere have the unenviable task of covering 'Blue Monday'.
As you can hear below, Destroyer has done a great job with 'Leave Me Alone', which is a decent cover version which also sounds like it could easily have come off his last album Kaputt. Enjoy...

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