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Changes... the blog is everything now!
I have consolidated the sprawl that is Slow Thrills into one coherent site at long last. It is now all controlled from this blog page - the reviews and interviews are all linked from here and can be searched for properly. The audio streams will be returning as well. The confusing search facility was the final straw for me, so hopefully everyone will find this one easier to use. The ezboard has also bitten the dust - let's face it it never really caught on here - now you comment directly on the individual blog posts. All other versions of Slow Thrills should be ignored (and will be deleted when I get around to it!).


  1. Och for God's sake. Now I have to give my info to yet another internet soul-taking machine, just so I can post here!

    Give us back our ezboard, damn you.

  2. That was from me, JenL, btw. ;p

  3. Thank you Jen!

    I'm always one to listen to feedback, so I've restored a link to the discussion board to keep you happy.

    Didn't realise that this thing made everyone anonymous except me.

  4. It doesn't if you're a registered blogger, which I am not. Sickens. - JenL
