Slow Thrills guest mix no.1, by Robin The Fog

  • Feb
  • 0
As I explained in previous posts, Friday is "mix-day" here at Slow Thrills, and today I am delighted to be hosting the first in series of guest mixes. This one is by the London-based sound artist and DJ Robin The Fog and is EXCLUSIVE to this website. I asked him to do a mix as a bit of promotional activity for his new cassette release in collaboration with Guy J Jackson, "Notes on Cow Life", as this is also the first release on his new label The Fog Signals. Well, he has done that, and so much more! The 35 minute mix includes a unique remix of some tracks from the album, as well as audio from the likes of the Focus Group, Imbogodom, Hills Have Riffs, Gum Takes Tooth, Roj, Gregory Whitehead, Ekoclef and Ken Nordine. Put some headphones on have a listen, I think it's fantastic.

So, Robin The Fog has set the bar a bit high with this, but if you would like to contribute a Friday mix please email me at It needs to contain at least eight tracks and musically it should fit in with the overall content of the site. If you enjoyed Robin's mix, be sure to wade through his extensive website, as there is plenty going on over there.

"Notes on Cow Life" by Guy J Jackson and Robin The Fog is available as a digital download or a limited cassette from The Fog Signals website.

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