new releases update: Islet, DeerBazan, Lambchop, Leonard Cohen

  • Jan
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January is gradually getting busier and I have lots of bits and bobs to share today; a review of the Deerhoof/ David Bazan split 7", a couple of (very different) album streams and a free download of a new Lambchop track. First of all here is a stream of the new Islet album, released today. The album has already been getting great reviews like this one on the 405. Judge for yourself below.

album stream: Islet 'Illuminated People'
Illuminated People
Illuminated People by shaperecords

review: DeerBazan, limited edition 7" collaboration between Deerhoof and David Bazan
Limited to 2000 copies on translucent blue vinyl, this is the latest in a series of collaborative releases featuring guest vocalists singing their own vocals and words over a Deerhoof composition. Previous releases in the eries have included collaborations with Wilco's Jeff Tweedy and Xiu Xiu. This time it's turn of Bazan, which is essentially the band of David Bazan, formerly of Pedro the Lion and Headphones.
The Deerhoof song they are working with is 'No One Asked to Dance', which was originally an atmospheric and pretty acoustic piece from Deerhoof's last album 'Deerhoof vs Evil', featuring gentle guitars and something resembling a harpsichord. Here they have kept the distinctive guitar parts but Bazan's new words and baritone delivery transform it into something very different, hence the re-titling - 'No One Asked Bazan to Dance'.
The flip side is a cover version of the old Headphones song 'Gas and Matches', which sounds more angular and, well, it sounds more like Deerhoof than the original synth-based tune.

free download: Lambchop 'Gone Tomorrow'
Another track has surfaced from their forthcoming album Mr. M, and this time it's available as a free download from soundcloud.
Lambchop - Gone Tomorrow by cityslang

album stream: Leonard Cohen, 'Old Ideas' via NPR
A brand new album from the 73 year old legend, available as a first listen via NPR and sounding pretty good so far. Click this link to listen

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