Great lost bands: No.1 Bowery Electric

  • Jan
  • 0
Great lost bands: No.1 Bowery Electric
It makes sense to kick off this series with Bowery Electric as they are the band that gave this blog its name, their epic tune 'Slow Thrills' seemed to perfectly describe the kind of music I wanted to get lost in around the time I set this up. (For those who don't remember, we used to have a .com address and posted content between 2001-2003, some of which can be waded through at

Bowery Electric were essentially a duo from New York City, comprising Lawrence Chandler and Martha Schwendener, who released most of their work on Kranky and Beggars Banquet to little sales and a lot of credibility. They straddled the washed out end of 'shoegaze' and got lumped in with the music which was getting labelled 'post-rock', but they had a wide range of influences behind their sound, in particular trip-hop beats and electronica, and they were one of the first to integrate a laptop and samples into a live rock band set up. I have no idea where they went or what they do now, and their wikipedia entry doesn't give a lot away either.

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